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Rodrigo Rodrigues-Silveira


Universidad de Salamanca

Facultad de Derecho

desiguALdades.net: Phase II Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher (01/09/2012 - 31/12/2014)

Paseo de Tomás y Valiente, S/N Room 155
37007 Salamanca, Spain

Academic Career

1/2015- present

Assistant Professor, Universidad de Salamanca


Postdoctoral Researcher at desiguALdades.net


Postdoctoral fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies – Brown University


Research Fellow at the Ibero-American Institute – Salamanca University.


PhD. Candidate in Latin American Studies – Salamanca University.


MSc Candidate in Latin America Studies – Salamanca University


Associate researcher at the CEDEC – Center of Studies of Contemporary Culture – Research on the Regionalization Process of Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS).

2003-2005 MSc Candidate in Political Science – São Paulo University. Research assistant in the project – Democracy and Local Government.
1998-2002 Bachelor in Social Sciences – São Paulo University. Research Assistant in the project – Democracy and Local Government.

Teaching Experience


Introduction to data analysis with SPSS / R (2012)


State Reform and Public Bureaucracy


Spatial Visualization and Data Analysis for the Social Sciences

Subnational Government, Structural Heterogeneity, Development, and Inequality in Latin America

The main task of the research proposal is to investigate the sustainability of the recent Project of social inequalities reduction experienced by Latin American countries in the last decade. The purpose is to investigate the effect of structural heterogeneity and subnational inequalities on the sustainability of the recent process of inequality reduction. On the one hand, the productive changes will be examined both between economic sectors and inside a same sector (particularly those transformations related to primary goods and their structural differences such as the existent between traditional agriculture and agribusiness) and their consequences in terms of inequality reduction or reproduction. On the other hand, the project aims at determining how the spatial variation in economic and politico-institutional terms can affect the state capacity to evaluate and promote public policies able to reduce those inequalities between different parts of a same country and to have a significant impact on the aggregate (national) indicators of inequality.

Selected Publications

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2015, in press). “La metrópoli y la vida electoral: Los barrios de las capitales en las elecciones a presidente en 2014.” [The big city and electoral life. Neighborhoods in state capitals in the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections.]. En: Revista de Estudios Brasileños, nº2.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2014). “A demografia das elites políticas locais: usando os dados do censo para avaliar a estrutura e as mudanças nos grupos políticos dominantes no nível local.” [The demography of local political elites: using census data to evaluate structures and changes in dominant political groups at the local level”. En Rocha y Kerbauy. Eleições, partidos e representação política nos municípios brasileiros. Juiz de Fora, Editora UFJF.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. 2014. (reseña). “Aaron Schneider (2012): State-Building and Tax Regimes in Central America”. Critical Review on Latin American Research (CROLAR), 3(1):47-50.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2013). Spatial Representation and Maps. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Cuadernos Metodológicos collection).

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2013). Territory, Scale and Vote in Brazilian Municipal Elections. Cadernos Adenauer, 15(2):167-192.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. 2013. (review essay) Territory, Scale and Vote in Brazilian Municipal Elections. Cadernos Adenauer, 15(2):167-192.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (with Maria do Socorro Braga and Tiago Borges) (2012): Organization, territory and party system: territorial diffusion of party organization and its potential impacts on the structure of the party system in Brazil, in: America Latina Hoy, 62:15-45.

RODRIGUES, R. (2012): Divide et Impera: Political Centralization through Administrative Decentralization in Brazil (1930-2008). In.: STN, Prêmio Tesouro Nacional. Editora UnB.

FREIDENBERG, F.; SOLIS, J.M. and RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (Ed.) (2011): Crossed Voices: Actors, Institutions, and Citizenship in Latin America. Editorial Académica Española. ISBN - 978-3-8465-7145-3


RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2011): Beyond Resignation: Dilemmas of Latin American Society Today. (Ed.) Crossed Voices: Actors, Institutions, and Citizenship in Latin America. Editorial Académica Española.


RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2011): Poverty Reduction Strategies in Brazil: the Bolsa Família Program and Regional Inequalities. (Ed.) Crossed Voices: Actors, Institutions, and Citizenship in Latin America. Editorial Académica Española.

RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2011): Decentralization and focusing of social expenditure in Brazilian municipalities. Latin American Research Review, 46(3), pp. 69-92.


PÉREZ-GUEVARA, N. J.; RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, RODRIGO; and SOLIS DELGADILLO, J. M.(2010): Political tolerance of citizens from post-conflict Centro-American countries. In Mesoamérica, nº 52: 34-49.

ANTÓN PÉREZ, J. I.; CARRERA TROYANO, M.; MUÑOZ DE BUSTILLO LLORENTE, R. and RODRIGUES-SILVEIRA, R. (2009): Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: from growth to conditional cash transfer programs. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 85-6:157-183.


Assessing Local Elites and Political Institutions Using Census Data: the cases of Brazil and Mexico.

Place: Latin American Center / Graduate Program in Development – Brown University

Date: 11/05/2012


Challenges of State Reform in Latin America

Place: International Relations Institute – São Paulo University, Brazil.

Date: 17/07/2011.


Local government and the welfare State

Place: Political Science Department – São Carlos Federal University, Brazil.

Date: 07/05/2011.


Regimes and Outcomes of Social Policy in Brazilian Municipalities

Place: Latin American Centre, Oxford University, United Kingdom

Date: 27/01/2011.


Populism and other masks: Dilemmas and complementarities of contemporary political representation

Place: Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain

Date: 11/11/2009.


Strategies in Fighting Poverty: The Bolsa FamiliaProgram and Regional Inequalities

Place: Fernando Pessoa University, Porto - Portugal

Date: 11/6/2008.

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