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Edgar Zavala Pelayo

Freie Universität Berlin

Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI)

Dahlem Research School POINT Fellow

Boltzmannstr. 1
D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Academic Career           

2014-present Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika-Institut, DRS POINT Fellow
2009-2013 (Phd) The University of Edinburgh
2007-2008 (MSc) The University of Edinburgh
2005-2006 Universidad Pública de Navarra
2000-2004 (BA) Universidad de Guanajuato

Teaching Experience


Tutor in undergraduate courses, School of Social and Political Science, The University of Edinburgh.

"Religion and Politics in Mexico: Foucauldian pastoralism/s and the elite political youth"

In Foucault's view one of the genealogical elements of the modern governmentality in Europe is the set of logics and techniques for the governing of individuals and communities crafted and implemented by the Catholic church from the 4th century on -from the pervasive and intimate control of the individual to a constant surveillance of 'the flock' as a whole.

After an exploratory analysis of the religious and political thoughts of young politicians in Mexico, my research is currently aimed at analysing the presence of a Foucauldian pastoralism, or pastoralisms, among young politicians in Mexico. The research includes a genealogical analysis of the pastoralism/s forged and enforced during the (pervasively religious) colonisation of Mexico and an empirical analysis of potential pastoralism/s in the political rationality of high-ranking members of leftist, centrist and rightist political parties' youth wings in Mexico. The project overall seeks to contribute to the discussions on politics and religions in contemporary societies and the debates on modern and progressive rationality/ies.

Publications (Monographs, Articles, etc.)

(Forthcoming) ‘Nominal openness and epistemic endogamy in ‘global’ and ‘provincialised’ sociologies’. Sociology.



2014, ‘Pastoral Power outside Foucault's Europe: public education and the 'epistemic authority' of social scientists in Mexico’. Journal of Political Power, vol. 7, num. 1, p. 87-106.



2013, ‘Unearthing Durkheim’s buried thesis: religions and scientific classifications’, Estudios en Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas, num. 3, p. 65-85.



2011, ‘Teorías, teorizaciones, tiempo y contextos: un esquema conceptual para analizar teorías sociológicas y lo que hay detrás’ [Theories, theorisations, time and contexts: a conceptual frame to analyse sociological theories and what lies behind], Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio, de México, Vol. XXIX, num. 85, p. 33-59.



Conference Papers

2013, ‘Is benevolence enough? Professional sociologies in México and the issue of epistemic provincialization in global and postcolonial sociologies’. British Sociological Association Early Career Theorists’ Symposium, King’s College London.

2012, 'Are social sciences really secular? The non-secular discourses of secular sociologists in México'. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds.

Invited presentations and workshops

2014, Presentation of doctoral research’s final results, Universidad de Guanajuato         

2014, Presentation: ‘How secular, actually, are social science? Sociological discourses and Catholicisms in Mexico’, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

2012, Presentation: ‘Qualitative research: limitations and suggestions’, Universidad de Celaya          

2010, Presentation of doctoral work in progress, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, ITESO          

2010, Presentation of doctoral work in progress, Colegio de Estudios Sociales del Estado de Aguascalientes

2008, Workshop: ‘Social Network Analysis: social networks beyond the internet’, Universidad de Guanajuato


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