María Soledad Córdoba

Universidad Nacional de San Martín
Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (IDAES)
PhD Candidate Visiting Doctoral Researcher (01/04/2013 - 31/07/2013)
Buenos Aires (1 017), Argentina
Academic Career
Since 04/2013 | Doctoral Researcher |
04/2011-03/2013 | Doctoral Researcher CONICET (Argentine) |
10/2009-12/2010 | Doctoral Researcher CIDESAL (IRD, France) |
Since 04/2010 | PERYG's Member (Program in Rurality and Globalization Studies, UNSAM, Argentine) |
Since 03/2010 | Ph.D candidate in Social Anthropology (IDAES-UNSAM, Argentine) |
08/2007-09/2008 | MA in Human Sciences (Lyon 3, France) |
08/2002-10/2006 | BA in Philosophy (Trento, Italy) |
Teaching Experience
Since 08/2011 | Classical Anthropological Theory (A. Lazzari). Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UNSAM, Argentina). |
The Networks of the Argentinian Agrobiotechnological Sector: Dispositives and Praxes of Legitimization of Expert Knowledge
The Research Project Networks of the Argentinian Agrobiotechnological Sector: Dispositives and Praxes of Legitimization of “Expert” Knowledge focus on the process of social legitimization of modern biotechnological knowledge, taking as case of study the rural sector in Argentina. This process is analyzed by the specific relationship modes that companies of this sector establish with communities, either directly, through Corporate Social Responsibility programs, or mediated by several ways of association (NGOs, foundations, etc.).
Based on research conducted, we have identified specific social spaces from which can be seen analytically the social legitimization process of modern biotechnology knowledge and its products in the agro sector. Then it tries to describe empirically how this legitimization process unfolds, who are the players involved and how they are interconnected (by which logics, objectives and strategies), on which scenarios these processes are crystallize, what are these action's results in terms of asymmetries of power and knowledge, and what does transnational interdependencies reveal the positioning of scientific knowledge as "expert knowledge" in a particular national context: the transformation of traditional agricultural production to agribusiness model in Argentina.(2015) “La solidaridad del agronegocio llega al barrio: tramas sociales en un contexto de polarización social”, en Desarrollo Económico Nr. 213, forthcoming (with V. Hernández).
(2015) “Hiéroglyphes solidaires : les actions engagées par l’agrobusiness auprès des populations rurales d’Argentine”, en Castelli B., Hillenkamp E. y B. Hours (édts.) Économie morale, morale de l'économie. Paris, L'Harmattan (with V. Hernández).
(2015) “El rol de la diáspora circular en el desarrollo del sector biotecnológico argentino”, en Didou Aupetit S. y Renaud P. (coord.) Circulación internacional de conocimientos: Miradas cruzadas sobre la dinámica Norte-Sur, Lima, UNESCO-IESALC, pp. 129-148 (with V. Hernández).
(2013) Impactos de la diáspora científica y técnica en el sector biotecnológico argentino, en Redes, Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, ISSN 0328-3186, Vol. 19, Nr. 37, Bernal, pp. 77-110 (with V. Hernández)
(2013) “La ruralidad hiperconectada. Dinámicas de la construcción de redes en el sector del agro argentino”, en Gras C. y Hernández V., El agro como negocio: producción, sociedad y territorios en la globalización, Buenos Aires, Biblios, pp. 263-288.
(2013) “Relación de las empresas de biotecnología en Argentina con la diáspora científica y técnica: un análisis antropológico”, en AA.VV. Informe final CIDESAL Volumen 2: Construir, IRD, pp. 209-245 (with V. Hernández).
(2013) "The hyperconnected rurality. Dynamics of building networks in the argentine rural sector ', in C. Gras and V. Hernandez, Globalized Rurality: territorial imprints of agribusiness, Prometheus - UNGS, in press.
(2010) "Amphibious or contortionist? An anthropologist among several worlds", in Contemporary Ethnographies, vol. 5, December 2010, p. 215-217.
(2006) The property of ideas and knowledge on nature, Archive Giuliano Marini, Department of Political Science at the University of Pisa (Italy).
(2012) The role of diasporic loop in the field of biotechnology in Argentina. International Conference “International circulation of disciplinary knowledge. Academic and scientific issues in developing countries”. Mexico City, October 9-11, 2012.