Sara Latorre

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
PhD Candidate Visiting Doctoral Researcher (01/11/2010 - 30/04/2011)
ES-46210 Picanya, Spain
Academic Career
Since 05/2010 | Doctoral Researcher, Berlin, Germany |
2009-Actualidad | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. PhD student in Environmental Science at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), research line “Social Metabolism and Ecological Distribution Conflicts”. |
2006-2008 | Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)-Ecuador. Quito, Equator. Master degree in Social Science, mention in Environmental Studies. |
2004-2005 | Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador. One academic year as an exchange student. |
2000-2005 | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Bachelor degree in Environmental Science. |
Teaching Experience
2006 |
Occasional professor of Sustainable Development at Social and Politics Sciences School at La Pontifícia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Equator. |
The Grassroots Movement of "mangrove people" in Ecuador: Its Political Strategy as a Project of Colonial Difference
My research project addresses the need to both conceptualize and investigate struggles for productive conditions and over unequal patterns of ecological distribution, also as being struggles for a culturally specific alternative paradigm of production, development and sustainability in a context of imperial globality and global coloniality. It focuses both on socio-ecological and socio-political dimensions of social inequalities (social inequalities and construction of otherness), using two appropriate empirical studies of two cases of social organizations in Ecuador; whose members secure their livelihood from the Mangrove People along its coasts. These social organizations belong to the grassroots social movement of the “Ancient Mangrove People” found on the Ecuadorian coast. Specifically, I would analyze how people use the social resources of ethnic identity and the politics of place as a political strategy for natural resource conservation and livelihood maintenance.
Journal Articles:
Latorre, S. 2005. ¿El instrumento de la Consulta Previa: una herramienta a favor de qué y de quién?. Ecología Política Nº30.
Latorre, S y Santillana, A. 2009. Capitalismo estatal o convergencia populares. Íconos. Nº34. Pp.13-18. ISSN: 1390-1249.
To be published:
Latorre, S. (forthcoming). El pago de servicios ambientales por conservación de biodiversidad como instrumento de desarrollo con identidad. Caso La Gran Reserva Chachi, cantón Eloy Alfaro, provincia de Esmeraldas .Ed. TESIS-FLACSO.
Latorre, S. (forthcoming). “El ecologismo popular en el Ecuador: pasado y presente” In: Ramírez, F. y Ospina, P. Colección Memoria Política del Ecuador Bicentenario. Tomo V. Movimientos Sociales y Cambio político Contemporáneo. FLACSO-sede Ecuador y Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador.