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Stella Lorenz

stella lorenz

Universidade de Lisboa

Instituto de Ciências Sociais

PhD Candidate

desiguALdades.net: Visiting Doctoral Researcher (01/07/2010 - 31/12/2010)

Av. Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9
P-1600-189 Lisboa, Portugal

Office hours


Academic Career

Since 07/ 2010 Doctoral Researcher desiguALdades.net, Berlin, Germany
04/2009 Diplom (equivalent to Master of Sciences) in Biology, Freie Universität Berlin
06/2008 - 04/2009 Researcher in the binational Project „Science and Sustainability for the Mata Atlântica“, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/ Universität Ulm
02/2008 Magister Artium (equivalent to Master of Arts) in History of Sciences, Political Sciences and Philosophy, Technische Universität Berlin
09/2003 - 03/2009 Scholarship holder, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin


Teaching Experience

10/2006 - 03/2008 Student Assistant, Institute for the History of Sciences, Technische Universität Berlin
04/2003 - 03/2005 Student Assistant, Institute for Zoology, Freie Universität Berlin
05/2002 - 03/2003 Student Assistant, Institute for Botany and Plant Geography


Eugenic Conceptions in Brazilian, Portuguese and German Investigations on Human Trypanosomiases in the Beginning of the 20th Century

This project aims at investigating transnational medical collaborations at the beginning of the 20th century, and their repercussions on the constellations of social demarcation in the prevailing countries. These medical practices were framed by interconnected nationalistic and eugenic concepts, originating from the interdependence of the conceptions of “race”, gender and class. By relating Brazilian, Portuguese and German discourses about human Trypanosomiases, the underlying conceptions of national and “racial” identity and especially their mutual influence shall be analyzed; considering the fact that Portuguese and German colonialisms and Brazilian discourses were based on opposing eugenic ideas: ideas of segregation in Germany, ideas of assimilation in Portugal, and ideas of “degeneration” and “whitening” in Brazil. Being a sickness of the lower social classes in Brazil, and a colonial disease in Africa, both types of Trypanosomiases were considered diseases of the “racial other”, thus offering an interesting analysis of contemporaneous concepts of “otherness” and of the alterations they underwent in the transnational context. Concerning Brazil, the impact of its participation in European “white” discourses on inner-social constellations of in- and exclusion shall be analyzed.


Journal Articles:

Processos de Purificação- Expectativas ligadas à migração alemã para o Brasil (1880 – 1918).
Espaço Plural N° 19 (2° semestre de 2008), Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE (Brasil) 

Protest am Ende der Welt.
Zoll+, N° 12/ June 2008 (Vienna, Austria)

Das Ende der Welt wird abgerissen – MigrantInnen in Portugal droht die Obdachlosigkeit.
iz3w, N°1/2007 (Freiburg, Germany)

„ ... und gäbe es mehr Welt, wir führen hin“ – In Portugal beginnt langsam eine kritische Debatte über das koloniale Erbe (in collaboration with Nikolai Brandes).
iz3w N°3/2007 (Freiburg, Germany)

Baracken ohne Alternativen.
ZAG N°48, May 2006 (Berlin, Germany) 

Widerstand in Afrika.
ZAG N° 46, April 2005 (Berlin, Germany)


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