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André Cicalo

Andrea Cicalo

The University of Manchester

desiguALdades.net: Postdoctoral Researcher (01/11/2010 - 31/10/2012)

Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL, Great Britain

Academic Career

11/2010 Postdoctoral Researcher desiguALdades.net, Berlin, Germany
2010 University of Manchester. Ph.D. in Social Anthropology with Visual Media. ‘Urban Encounters: Racial university quotas, racial inequality and black identity in Brazil’.
2006 University of Manchester. MA Anthropological Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods.
2004 SOCCUL, University of Sussex. MA ‘Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation’.
2000 UNDP/Unops, La Habana – Cuba; research study for UN: ‘The process of local participative planning in the framework of the United Nations decentralised cooperation in the Municipality of La Habana Vieja’.
2000 MA International Development (MID), Stoà - University of Oriental Studies, Ercolano (Naples) – Italy.
1997 Undergraduate degree in Political Sciences (110/110), Italy.

Teaching Experience


Summer School ‘Interdependent Inequalities in a Global Perspective’. Class, Racial, Gender and Ethnic Asymmetries in Latin America; Buenos Aires, Argentina October 31 - November 4, 2011. Trainer and discussant.


Teaching Assistant undergraduate course ‘Political and Economic Anthropology’, main teacher Professor Karen Sykes at the University of Manchester, Department of Social Anthropology.


GTA Teaching Assistant undergraduate course ‘Cultural Diversity in Global Perspective’, main teacher Professor Peter Wade at the University of Manchester, Department of Social Anthropology.


Transnational Constructions of Brazilian ‘blackness' in Time of Affirmative Action

My research project addresses the transnational links underlying the implementation of racial affirmative action (or positive discrimination) in favour of ‘black’ people in Brazil. I am interested in exploring the transnational nature of these measures in Salvador da Bahia, discussing the place that Africa, the Caribbean, the US and other regional contexts occupy in the local elaboration/implementation of black affirmative action measures and practices there. By using a typical approach of Social Anthropology, the project foresees ethnographic fieldwork in Salvador.


Cicalo, André. (in print 2012). Urban Encounters: Affirmative Action and Black Identities in Brazil (New York: Palgrave MacMillan).

Peer-reviewed articles:

Cicalo, André. 2012 (under evaluation). Multi-colored, bi-racial, or both?: discussing new prospects for official classification in contemporary Brazil, Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies (ERS).

Cicalo, André. 2011 (accepted). ‘Race Through Class and Space: Affirmative Action and Social ‘Encounters’ in a Brazilian University’, Journal of Latin American Studies (JLAS).

Cicalo, André. 2011. ‘Memorias de un olvido: cuestionando las invisibilidades de la historia negra en el paisaje urbano de Rio de Janeiro’, in ‘Apariencias raciales, visibilidad e invisibilidad de las poblaciones afrodescendientes: confrontación de los enfoques y diversidadde los contextos dentro del ámbito visual’. Cuaderno de trabajo n. 13,UNAM Mexico. http://www.ird.fr/afrodesc/IMG/pdf/Cuaderno_13_r.pdf

Cicalo, André. 2008. What Do We Know about Quotas? Data and Considerations about the Implementation of the Quota System in the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Universitas Humanística 65:261-278.

Cicalo, André. 2008. What Do We Know about Quotas? Vibrant 5 (1):65-82.

Ethnographic Filming:

Memories on the Edge of Oblivion (2010, 31 mins)


Despite the central place that Rio de Janeiro played in the Atlantic slave trade until the end of the 19th century, traces of this past remain largely hidden in the urban landscape. This forgetting is not simply a random phenomenon; it also relates to the ideal of racial democracy which has been used to downplay racial inequalities in Brazil in the name of national mixture. But although barely visible, the memory of a slave past has not been erased completely; it emerges ambiguously, but also powerfully, in the daily life of Tia Lúcia and Alder, the main characters of this film.

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