Jimenez, Juan Pablo and Brosio, Giorgio |
2015 |
Equalization Grants and Asymmetric Sharing of Natural Resources: Options for Latin America, in: Urban Public Economics Review, 21, 12-63. |
Baquero Melo, Jairo |
2014 |
Layered Inequalities: Land Grabbing, Collective Land Rights and Afro-descendant Resistance in Colombia, Series: Politik, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft in einer globalisierten Welt / Politics, Community and Society in a Globalized World, Berlin and London: LIT Verlag. Co-financed by Abstract here. |
Baquero Melo, Jairo |
2015 |
Regional Challenges to Land Restitution and Peace in Colombia: The Case of the Lower Atrato, in: Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 10:2, 36-51. |
Bebbington, Anthony |
2015 |
Conceptualizing Spatial Diversity in Latin American Rural Development: Structures, Institutions, and Coalitions, in: World Development, 73, September 2015, 1-10 (with Julio A. Berdegué and Javier Escobal). |
Bebbington, Anthony | 2015 | Explaining Spatial Diversity in Latin American Rural Development: Structures, Institutions, and Coalitions, in: World Development, 73, September 2015, 129-137 (with Julio A. Berdegué and Javier Escobal). |
Boatcă, Manuela |
2015 |
Global Inequalities Beyond Occidentalism, Global Connections, London: Ashgate. Abstract here. |
Boatcă, Manuela |
2013 |
Uneasy Postcolonialisms, Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise 3, 3, Center for Global Studies and the Humanities, Duke University. |
Boatcă, Manuela |
2013 |
"'From the Standpoint of Germanism': A Postcolonial Critique of Weber‘s Theory of Race and Ethnicity", in: Postcolonial Sociology (Political Power and Social Theory 24), 55-80. Online text here. |
Boatcă, Manuela |
2013 |
"Two-Way Street. Moderne(n), Verwobenheit und Kolonialität", in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Sonderheft Multiple Modernities, Dezember 2013, 38, 4, 375-394. Online text here. |
Boatcă, Manuela | 2013 |
"The Many Non-Wests. Marx’s Global Modernity and the Coloniality of Labor", in: v. Jaeggi, Rahel and Loick, Daniel (eds.): Karl Marx – Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Sonderband 34, 209-225. |
Braig, Marianne |
2015 |
"No hay reciprocidad. Lateinamerika und Europa – ungleiche Verflechtungen", in: Komlosy, Andrea; Nolte, Hans-Heinrich and Ertl, Thomas (eds.), Europa und die Welt, Vienna: New Academic Press, 198-214. |
Braig, Marianne |
2013 |
"Ungleichheiten/Sozialstruktur", in: Silke Hensel and Barbara Potthast (eds.), Das Lateinamerika-Lexikon, Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag, 324-326. |
Braig, Marianne; Alba, Carlos; Rinke, Stefan and Zermeño, Guillermo |
2013 |
Entre Espacios. Movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización, Reihe Entre Espacios, Berlin: Verlag Walter Frey. |
Braig, Marianne and Costa, Sérgio |
2013 |
"Das Ende der Biederkeit. Welche Regionalforschung braucht die außenpolitische Beratung?, in: Internationale Politik, März-April, 108-111. |
Braig, Marianne; Costa, Sérgio and Göbel, Barbara |
2015 |
"Desigualdades sociales e interdependencias globales en América Latina: una valoración provisional," in: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales [Online] 2015, 60 (Enero-Abril), online text here. |
Braig, Marianne; Alba, Carlos and Rinke, Stefan |
2014 |
"Latin America and Asia-Relations in the Context of Globalization from Colonial Times to the Present", Series Historamericana, 24. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Diedrich Heinz / Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart. |
Braig, Marinne and Alba, Carlos |
2014 |
"'Good, Beatiful and Cheap'- Sino - Mexican Trade Relations and Their Translocal Linkages", in: Carlos Alba, Marianne Braig and Stefan Rinke (eds.), Latin America and Asia- Relations in the Context of Globalization from Colonial Times to the Present, Series Historamericana, No. 24. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Diedrich Heinz / Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart, 195-218. |
Braig, Marianne and Göbel, Barbara |
2013 |
"Entrelazamientos transpacíficos desiguales: Las relaciones económicas entre América Latina y China", in: Ette, Ottmar; Nitschack, Horst and Mackenbach, Werner (eds.), TransPacífico. Conexiones y convivencias en AsiAméricas. Un simposio transareal. Potsdamer inter- und transkulturelle Texte – POINTE, Berlin: edition tranvía, 53-64. |
Braig, Marianne and Göbel, Barbara (eds.) | 2013 |
"Ciudadanía y globalización del medio ambiente: resistencias, conflictos, negociaciones," Dossier Revista Iberoamericana, 13, 49, 87-162. |
Braig, Marianne and Göbel, Barbara | 2013 |
"Presentación," in: Marianne Braig and Barbara Göbel (eds.), "Ciudadanía y globalización del medio ambiente: resistencias, conflictos, negociaciones", Dossier Revista Iberoamericana, 13, 49, 89-92. |
Braig, Marianne and Alba, Carlos | 2012 |
"Organización política local y entrelazamientos transregionales del comercio ambulante en la ciudad de México," in: Iberoamericana 13, 48, 129-141. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2014 | "O Brasil de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda", in: Sociedade & Estado, 29, 3, 823-839. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2014 |
"Social Sciences and North-South-Asymmetries: Towards a Global Sociology"; in: Broeck, Sabine and Juncker, Carsten (eds.): Postcoloniality - Decoloniality - Black Critique. Joints and Fissures, Frankfurt / New York: Campus, 231-243. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2014 |
"Die verrechtlichte Differenz. Liberales Kulturverständnis und das Aufkommen neuer Ethnizitäten in Lateinamerika", on: Ette, Ottmar and Wirth, Uwe (eds.): Nach der Hybridität. Zukünfte der Kulturtheorie, Berlin: Walter Frey, 69-92. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2013 |
"Da mestiçagem à diferença: nexos transnacionais da formação nacional no Brasil", in: Dutra, Eliana F. (ed.), O Brasil em dois tempos. História, pensamento social e tempo presente, Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 301-320. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2013 |
"Nationalismus aus transnationaler Sicht. Wissenschaft, Rassismus und Nation in Brasilien um 1900", in: Fischer, Georg et al. (ed.), Brasilien in der Welt. Region, Nation und Globalisierung 1870-1945, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 71-94. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2013 |
"Researching Entangled Inequalities in Latin America: The Role of Historical, Social, and Transregional Interdependencies," in: Célleri, Daniela; Schwarz,Tobias and Wittger, Bea (eds.), Interdependencies of Social Categorisations, Madrid, Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 41-64. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2013 |
"Die Geopolitik der soziologischen Wissensproduktion. Soziale Erfahrung und Theoriebildung in Lateinamerika," in: Hochmüller, Markus; Huffschmid, Anne; Orozco Martínez, Teresa; Schütze, Stephanie and Zapata Galindo, Martha (eds.), Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político, Festschrift für Marianne Braig, Berlin: edition tranvía, Verlag Walter Frey, 106-120. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2012 |
"Freezing Differences: Law, Politics, and the Invention of Cultural Diversity in Latin America, in: Araujo, Kathya and Mascareño, Aldo (eds.), Legitimization in World Society, Farnham: Ashgate, 139-156. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2012 |
"Essentialismuskritik, transnationaler Antirassismus, Körperpolitik. Paul Gilroy und der 'Black Atlantic'", in: Reuter, Julia and Karentzos, Alexandra (eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Postcolonial Studies, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 153-164. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2011 | "Más allá de la ineficacia de la ley. Estado de derecho, esfera pública y anti-racismo", in: Gurza Lavalle, Adrián (ed.), El horizonte de la política, Mexico D.F.: CIESAS, 291-334. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2011 | "Founding in Networking? Geisteswissenschaften in der neuen Geopolitik des Wissens", in: Dietrich, René; Smilovski, Daniel and Nünning, Ansgar (eds.), Lost or Found in Translation? Interkulturelle/Internationale Perspektiven der Geisteswissenschaften, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 39-52. |
Costa, Sérgio | 2011 | "Perspectivas y políticas sobre racismo y afrodescendencia en América Latina y el Caribe", in: Hopenhayn, Martín and Sojo, Ana (eds.), Sentido de pertenencia en sociedades fragmentadas: América Latina en una perspectiva global, Santiago de Chile: CEPAL, 173-188. |
Costa, Sérgio and Boatcă, Manuela | 2011 | "Postcolonial Sociology: A Research Agenda", in: Rodríguez, Encarnación G., Boatcă, Manuela and Costa, Sérgio (eds.), Decolonizing European Sociology: Transdisciplinary Approaches, Global Connections Series, Farnham: Ashgate, 13-32. |
Costa, Sérgio; Boatcă, Manuela and Rodríguez, Encarnación G. | 2010 | "Introduction", in: Rodríguez, Encarnación G., Boatcă, Manuela and Costa, Sérgio (eds.), Decolonizing European Sociology:Transdisciplinary Approaches, Global Connections Series, Farnham: Ashgate, 1-11. |
Henriquez, Narda, Damonte, Gerardo, Braig, Marianne and Gobel, Barbara (Eds.) | 2015 | Desigualdades en un mundo globalizado. Lima: CISEPA; |
Fritz, Barbara and Lavinas, Lena | 2015 |
A Moment of Equality for Latin America? Challenges and Limits for Redistributive Policies. Farnham: Ashgate. Co-financed by |
Fritz, Barbara and Prates, Daniela | 2014 |
"The New IMF Approach to Capital Account Management and its Blind Spots. Lessons from Brasil and South Korea", in: International Review of Applied Economics 28, 3, March, 210-239. Previously Working Paper Series 35 (2013). Online at: |
Fritz, Barbara and Hoffmann, Bert | 2013 |
"What do they know of England who only England know?" Vergleichende Regionalforschung als Schlüsselkompetenz in einer verflochtenen Welt", in: Hochmüller, M,. Huffschmid, A., Orozco Martínez, T. et al. (eds.): Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político. Festschrift für Marianne Braig. Berlin, edition tranvía - Verlag Walter Frey: 156-171. Online at |
Göbel, Barbara | 2015 | "Extractivismo minero y desigualdades socialies", in: Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal, 58, 2015, 161-165. Online text here. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2014 | "La minería de litio en Atacama: disputas sociales alrededor de un nuevo mineral estratégico", in: Göbel, Barbara and Ulloa, Astrid (eds.), Extractivismo minero en Colombia y América Latina, (Colección General Biblioteca Abierta. Perspectivas Ambientales), Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia e Instituto Ibero-Americano,167-195. Online text here. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2013 | "Das Gold der Zukunft ist weiß. Lithiumförderung", in: Lateinamerika zwischen Ressourcenausbeutung und „gutem Leben“, Politische Ökologie, 134: München: Oekom Verlag, 78-83. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2013 | "La minería del litio en la Puna de Atacama: interdependencias transregionales y disputas locales", in: Braig, Marianne and Göbel, Barbara (eds.): Ciudadanía y globalización del medio ambiente: resistencias, conflictos, negociaciones, Dossier Revista Iberoamericana, 13, 135-150. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2013 | "Lithium - das neue Öl der Anden? Sozio-ökologische Konfliktdynamiken im Lithiumbergbau Argentiniens", in: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; Dietz, Kristina and Öhlschläger, Rainer (eds.), Umwelt und Entwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert. Impulse und Analysen aus Lateinamerika, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 165-180. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2013 | "Umweltvorstellungen und Ressourcennutzung im Andenhochland Nordwest-Argentiniens," in: Geographische Rundschau 12, Sonderheft Argentinien/Chile, 22-28. |
Göbel, Barbara | 2013 | "Kosmopolitisches Wissen für eine vernetzte Welt ? Stand und Perspektiven der Lateinamerikaforschung in Deutschland", in: Hochmüller, Markus; Huffschmid, Anne; Orozco Martínez, Teresa; Schütze, Stephanie and Zapata Galindo, Martha (eds.), Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político, Festschrift für Marianne Braig, Berlin: edition tranvía, Verlag Walter Frey, 139-155. |
Göbel, Barbara; Góngora-Mera, Manuel and Ulloa, Astrid | 2014 | “Las interdependencias entre la valorización global de la naturaleza y las desigualdades sociales: abordajes multidisciplinarios”, in: Desigualdades socioambientales en América Latina, Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014, 13-46. |
Göbel, Barbara; Góngora-Mera, Manuel and Ulloa, Astrid (eds.) | 2014 |
Desigualdades socioambientales en América Latina, serie Perspectivas Ambientales, Berlin: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut (IAI) and Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Biblioteca Abierta, Colección General. Abstract here.To download a PDF of the full text, please click here. |
Göbel, Barbara and Ulloa, Astrid | 2014 | "Colombia y el extractivismo en América Latina", in: Göbel, Barbara and Ulloa, Astrid (eds.), Extractivismo minero en Colombia y América Latina, (Colección General Biblioteca Abierta. Perspectivas Ambientales.) Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia e Instituto Ibero-Americano,15-36. Online text here. |
Göbel, Barbara and Ulloa, Astrid (eds.) | 2014 | Extractivismo minero en Colombia y América Latina, (Colección General Biblioteca Abierta. Perspectivas Ambientales.) Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia e Instituto Ibero-Americano. Abstract here. Online text here. |
Góngora-Mera, Manuel |
2015 |
“Social Rights in a Context of Extreme Inequalities and Conflict: Balanced-Budget Conservatism and the Judicial-led Implementation of Social Rights in Colombia” in: Becker, Ulrich; Sommermann, Karl-Peter; Ossio, Lorena (eds.), The Implementation of Social Rights: A Comparison of Case Studies from Latin America and Europe, Munich: Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik (forthcoming). |
Góngora-Mera, Manuel |
2014 |
“La difusión del bloque de constitucionalidad en la jurisprudencia latinoamericana y su potencial en la construcción del Ius Constitutionale Commune latinoamericano,” in: Bogdandy, Armin von; Fix-Fierro, Héctor; Morales, Mariela (coord.): Ius constitutionale Commune en Derechos Humanos en América Latina, México D.F: Porrúa, 145-180. |
Góngora-Mera, Manuel and Motta, Renata | 2014 | “El Derecho Internacional y la mercantilización bio-hegemónica de la naturaleza: La diseminación normativa de la propiedad intelectual sobre semillas en Colombia y Argentina”, in: Göbel, Barbara; Góngora-Mera, Manuel Eduardo; Ulloa, Astrid (eds.): Desigualdades socioambientales en América Latina, Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 361-399. |
Gras, Carla and Göbel, Barbara |
2014 | "Agronegocio y desigualdades socioambientales: la soja en Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay", in: Göbel, Barbara; Góngora-Mera, Manuel Eduardo, and Ulloa, Astrid (eds.): Desigualdades socioambientales en América Latina. (Colección General Biblioteca Abierta. Perspectivas Ambientales.) Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia e Instituto Ibero-Americano. |
Guimarães, Nadya Araujo; Demazière, Didier; Hirata, Helena and Sugita, Kurumi | 2014 | "Facing Labour Market Insecurity: Structural Constraints and Individual Interpretations - São Paulo, Paris and Tokyo", in: Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North, Austrian Journal of Development Studies (JEP) 30, 4: 155-178. |
Henriquez, Narda; Damonte, Gerardo; Braig, Marianne and Göbel, Barbara | 2015 | Desigualdades en un mundo globalizado, Lima, Peru: PUCP/CIESEPA. |
Müller, Frank | 2014 |
The Global City and its Other: Decentering Urban Informality in and from Mexico City, Series: Fragmentierte Moderne in Lateinamerika, 17, Berlin: edition-tranvía.Co-financed by Abstract here. |
Rodrigues-Silveira, Rodrigo | 2014 | “A demografia das elites políticas locais: usando os dados do censo para avaliar a estrutura e as mudanças nos grupos políticos dominantes no nível local", in: Rocha, Marta Mendes da and Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli (Coords.): Eleições, partidos e representação política nos municípios brasileiros, Juiz de Fora, Brazil: Editora UFJF. |
Roth, Julia (ed.) | 2015 | Lateinamerikas koloniales Gedächtnis. Vom Ende der Ressourcen, so wie wir sie kennen, Schriftenreieh Zentrum und Peripherie, Baden-Baden: Nomos. Co-financed by |
Skornia, Anna | 2014 |
Entangled Inequalities in Transnational Care Chains: Practices across the Borders of Peru and Italy, Series: Global Studies, Berlin: transcript. Co-financed by Abstract here. |
Sproll, Martina and Wehr, Ingrid (eds.) | 2014 |
Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North Special Edition, Austrian Journal of Development Studies (JEP) 30, 4. Co-financed by Abstract here. |
Sproll, Martina and Wehr, Ingrid | 2014 |
"Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North", in: Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North, Austrian Journal of Development Studies (JEP) 30, 4: 4-14. |
Sproll, Martina | 2014 |
"Precarisation and New Class Formations: The Case of Call Centres in the Brazilian Banking Sector", in: Capitalist Peripheries: Perspectives on Precarisation from the Global South and North, Austrian Journal of Development Studies (JEP) 30, 4: 111-132. |